We believe that having smooth, hair-free skin is the first step toward your best self. We’ve elevated the experience – making it affordable, accessible and more comfortable.

Our goal? To use our expertise and innovation to make sure every guest who we service in our salon leaves confident and empowered.

Skinfinity Esthetics tailors hair removal options that will surely bring back the confidence in you. We offer hair-removal services from brow-to-toe. At Skinfinity Esthetics, we want to inspire beautiful skin as well as beautiful days through our products and services.

Our ultimate goal is to empower everyone to look and feel their best. 

Schedule your hair removal today. Consult our certified Skin Therapist!


face wax

Eyebrows | 15 |
Cheeks | 10 |
Chin | 10 |
Side Burns | 10 |
Lip | 7 |
Neck | 10 |
Nose | 15 |

body wax

Underarms | 15 |
Full Arms | 35 |
Stomach | 15 |
Full Back | 40 |
Half Back | 20 |
Full Legs | 50 |
Bikini | 30 |
Brazilian | 40 |
Happy Trail | 5 |
Full Body | 105 |
Full Body – Lip, Underarms, Brazilian, Full Legs
(Full Arm or Brow add-on $10 each)


face sugaring

Eyebrows | 20 |
Cheeks | 15 |
Chin | 15 |
Side Burns | 10 |
Lip | 10 |
Neck | 10 |

body sugaring

Underarms | 20 |
Full Arms | 35 |
Half Arms | 25 |
Hands | 5 |
Stomach | 20 |
Chest | 30 |
Full Back | 45 |
Bikini | 30 |
Brazilian | 50 |
Happy Trail | 5 |