Facial | Chemical Peel
Post Facial Care Tips
- Avoid touching or picking at your skin
- Skip the heavy makeup (especially oil/cream/liquid based makeup)
- Say no to the sauna (sweat may draw bacteria to the surface of your fresh skin)
- Hold off on your workout for 24 hours (sweat may draw bacteria to the surface of your fresh skin)
- Follow your Estheticians advice

Pre & Post Chemical Peel Tips
Always use warm water on your face and do not scrub. Avoid chlorine (no swimming).
You may or may not experience some visual flaking or shedding of the skin approximately 2-4 days post peel. The amount of visual flaking is not indicative of your end results. If heavier shedding is present, do not under any circumstances, pick or manually peel the skin.
We suggest if you choose to apply makeup after your peel you use mineralized powder-based products (not cream/oil based because these tend to settle into the pore. The ingredients in this foundation are safe post peel and encourage healing with the benefits of additional sun protection.
Do not use any glycolic, retinol, or Retinol-A for 5-7 days or until your skin is back to normal. This is the reason you are supplied the POST TREATMENT KIT providing the proper at home care post peel. You can resume your regular at home regimen after the 5-7 days. This time may vary depending on the peel performed and each individual’s healing process.
For men, do not shave for at least 48 hours after peel.
• Peel, pick, scrape or abrade the skin
• Have an electrolysis or laser treatment
• Use tanning beds or sunbathe
• Perform certain hair services using chemicals
• Facial wax, thread or use depilatory products
• Receive aesthetic injections
• Have another treatment until your esthetician advises you to do so
Slight redness or swelling might occur immediately after the peel. This usually goes away within 24 hours. Some clients experience temporary skin discoloration. You may have an area of scabbing or crusting in cases of severe sensitivity, this is very rare. If it is bothersome you may apply aquafor (found at your local drugstore) to the affected area.
2) Avoid waxing, electrolysis, depilatory creams, and laser hair removal treatments
3) Avoid sun exposure (indoor and outdoor)
4) Do not receive Botox or dermal fillers
5) Do not have another treatment unless recommended
1) Discontinue all use of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and benzoyl peroxide
2) Stop any exfoliating products that may be drying or irritating
3) Men – do not shave the day of your peel
1) Cleanse your face using warm water2) Treat the skin with a serum
3) Protect skin with broadspectrum spf 30+
1) Cleanse your face with, using warm water
2) Treat the skin with a serum
3) Seal in the serum with a moisturizer